Work dignifies mankind, jobs improve her livelihood

Employment creation and human empowerment are key to ensuring sustainable livelihoods, peace and harmony in communities and the nation at large. Manpower development, the enterprise of forming a skilled and disciplined workforce is, thus, an important aspect of nation building.
Enterprise Development/ business management
marketing/ market linkages & networking
technical skills training/ traditional apprenticeship
Building Resilience through improving the Absorptive and Adaptive Capacity for Transformation
This projects aims at building resilience of 15,505 households in 29 wards of Mutoko and Mudzi districts. These two districts are prone to recurring socio-economic and environmental shocks. With substantial poverty, malnutrition and environment degradation, vulnerability levels are very high in communal areas of Mutoko (86%) and Mudzi (91%) (Zimbabwe Poverty Atlas, 2015). BRACT harnesses local and external resources and leverages existing investments by government and non-government sources to build the capacity of individuals, households and communities to withstand shocks and stresses, improve their ability to adapt and strengthen their capacities. Keeping people at the centre of project interventions, this project fosters innovation and learning through action research and knowledge exchange. Silveira House, in collaboration with other five organizations, envisions communities, households, women, men and children thriving in the face of shocks, stresses and uncertainty, with systemic changes ensuring fewer people are exposed and vulnerable in future.
Households and Communities’ livelihoods able to withstand existing and future shocks and stresses and achieve well-being outcomes.
- (41,230) households in 29 targeted communities have improved capacity to anticipate, prepare and respond to shocks and stresses in order to maintain productive capacity.
- (12,140) households develop diversified, viable
livelihood options adapted to climatic and socio-economic shocks and stresses through improved
crop and livestock production, harvesting and marketing of indigenous under utilized
crops, income diversification and environmental protection.Community voice and ability to engage service providers and participate in decision making enhanced: This outcome area addresses the transformative capacity.
- Learning and iterative programme design; disseminating best practice and bench-marking both locally and internationally.