Urban parks in Harare continue to deteriorate due to neglect and lack of resources to maintain them. Against this background, Silveira House stepped in to renovate some of the parks through the Re-greening the urban green spaces in Harare project. This UNDP Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) funded project is being implemented in ward 37 of the Kuwadzana East constituency at the Kuwadzana Major Park. It seeks to improve the biodiversity, ecosystems and learning site functions of Harare’s parks and green spaces. Ultimately, this will contribute to Zimbabwe’s Climate Change adaptation and sustainable environmental conservation in urban areas. Currently the Kuwadzana project site selected 20 young people for capacity building in Aquaponics farming and green park maintenance, skills which they will utilize to support their livelihoods while running the project. Through adoption of Aquaponics systems, the project is promoting adoption of Climate Smart Technologies which will be proliferated in the urban communities for improved climate change adaptation. With the growing global emphasis of sustainable environmental conservation and climate change adaptation, this project hopes to establish a look and learn site for other organizations and urbanites to emulate.
Re-greening the urban green spaces in Harare